Bel Valves

CASE STUDY | Change and Transformation

Bel Valves are designers and manufactures of high integrity valves, actuators and controls for subsea, surface and onshore applications. They operate globally with offices in the UK and Italy.


The client’s challenge

and how they found Quirk

The fundamental business problem that Bel Valves was facing was On Time Delivery issues. There is one of only four Global competitors in their market, they have a great product, but critically they weren’t getting it to their customers on time.

Initially, back in 2017, CEO Bruce Heppenstall took a top-down approach by consulting with his senior team, but by the end of that year, he knew it needed a wholly different approach to unlock the potential of the team.

What Quirk did to address the challenge

The CEO of Bel Valves, Bruce Heppenstall, saw Chris Paton, the MD of Quirk talking about how Quirk Solutions utilises the techniques of the Royal Marines in the corporate sphere.

The campaign plan and model resonated with Bruce immediately. Quirk were brought in to help the company come up with ways to improve the business.

Key outcomes of Quirk’s work

Jim and Chris from Quirk Solutions, took a cross-section of the team and gathered together all the people who deal with the issue at hand directly. They assorted 3 teams of 10 people, ranging from craftsmen on the shop floor to finance people and mixed them all up.

They facilitated each group to address all the issues involved while maintaining focus on the core question: ‘How are you going to improve on On Time Delivery in your part of the business?’.

The assistance we received from Quirk Solutions has been extremely effective in helping address this On Time Delivery challenge that we had.

Bruce Heppenstall 
CEO, Bel Valves

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Quirk Solutions have a reputation for working with large and medium sized businesses across the world to maximise the internal team and empower positive change.