
Empowered Delegation | Podcast Episode 5

In this week’s podcast, we discuss two techniques – empowered delegation & closed-loop communication – that can help our organisations harness the collective innovation and intelligence of the people working within our organisations.  We are constantly...

The Changing Face of Leadership | Podcast Episode 4

Culture change and the changing nature of leadership that exists within our working environments right now is significant. The workforce is changing and we are seeing people coming into employment that are very different from those that have been in employment for a...

Vulnerability | Podcast Episode 3

The importance of vulnerability to business performance should not be underestimated.  Vulnerability promotes authenticity and building connections with people.  It can enable an organisation.  Vulnerability has been described as being the heartbeat of...

Catastrophic Success | Podcast Episode 2

Guest Presenter: Roderic Yapp, Quirk Solutions Associate and Leadership Trainer It is surprising how few organisations consider Catastrophic Success as a risk to their business and yet so many are affected by it. Catastrophic success is something that goes so...

Willful Blindness | Podcast Episode 1

Willful blindness is a legal term used in the legal profession and means that you’re holding back some sort of piece of information that you know could render you liable if you were to say it. It’s almost about concealing something. In a business context, willful...

Quirk Solutions launch Wargaming for GDPR

LEADING UK wargaming exponents Quirk Solutions are proud to announce the expansion of their service offering to include wargames specific to GDPR. Building on the success of our wargame offering, we at Quirk Solutions have developed GDPR specific wargames which offer...

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